What to Expect: Early 2023 - Late 2023
The Idaho Transportation Department continues to reconstruct the interchange at I-90 and SH-41 in Post Falls. This four- year project is expected to be complete in 2025.
Construction in 2023 includes the following:
Continue work on the temporary bridge over SH-41 for traffic to use during construction
Begin work on Seltice Way
Construct pedestrian underpass near Central Avenue on SH-41
Complete the first half of three new permanent bridges on eastbound I-90
Work in the median to start three new permanent bridges on westbound I-90
When Construction is Complete (2025)
Project Benefits
The new interchange will:
Efficiently move more traffic
Improve safety
Reduce travel times
Improve connection to SH-41
Separate traffic from the local road system
Provide safer travel for bicyclists and pedestrians
Allow for future expansion for I-90